Monday, April 5, 2010

Middle East MRE Conference

On my way to Pakistan to meet with high commanding Pakistani Officers I was commanded to introduce our ways of distributing MRE's to deployed soldiers. On the plane I continuously wondered why the women of these Muslim countries wore hijabs and other head scarfs or hair peices. I stepped off the AC-130 Hercules and onto the sandy runway that the pakistani Air Force had provided for us. As i continued towards the meeting point i was met by three men in their military attire. After modeling the American MRE's and explaining how we distribute them I proceeded to ask the question that bothered me continuously through the plane ride. They offered to take me to their homes and have their wives explain to me why they had to wear them. As I sauntered through the streets of Pakistan I appeared at Officer Osali Buh Hamen's house I met his wife at the front door Skakiki Bel Hamen wearing her head scarf covering all her face but her eyes. She told me that she wore this because her face and body is a diamond for only her family and husband to see, not for other males or her public. It is a religious choice that she makes to hide her body for her God and close family. If another man saw her face then her beauty would be leaked and it would be a sin. As I later shook her hand to leave I slipped on their prayer mat and accidentally grabbed her head scarf, revealing her face to all in the house. Her husband quickly jumped on me covering my eyes. I quickly apologized as he escorted me outside yelling in his native tongue. I then told him taht I never saw her face and her body was saved. He glared at me and told me to leave his country.

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