Friday, January 22, 2010

Trench Life

You can learn a lot about a soldier just by knowing what they carry with them in the trenches. As i prepared myself for our late night mission into the heart of Malaysia, I knew i needed to travel light. Of course I had my safety kit with personalized Scooby-Doo band-aids, a pocket knife, a canteen of water, one MRE (meal ready to eat), a flashlight, and my gun, which were all necessary and important items. However, everyone carries these items into the trenches, what is important is the select few unique items a soldier carries in case they deal a bad hand in battle. Personally, I have a few things I keep on me at all times.

Trench List:
1) A Picture of my wife- very common for many soldiers to hold this close to their heart.
2) Small Flask- Just in case I need a quick pick me up before bullets start flying.
3) Q-tips- Nobody should be found with dirty ears. Plus they are small and easy to carry.
4) Ipod- I have to have my hard rock to get in the fighting zone.
5) Cards- It's always wise to bring a small game in case there is no action. Stake-outs can get boring.

This is usually all I can afford to take because if I add any more weight my balance gets totally thrown off and every time I run i lean at a 45 degree angle to the right. It is a really awkward sight to see.

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