In War there are many types of hairstyles. Most Commonly, there is the hand-scuffle, where you simply wake up, and quickly run your hands through your hair at every possible angle scuffling the hair in any direction it wishes to go. However, the lazier guys wear their hair in the helmet hair style throughout their time in the war. They simply do nothing to it and their hair molds to the shape of the inside of their helmet. When the occasional "vacation" may occur, where some soldiers get shipped off to the nearest base for a weekend or so to get a cot, rather than the ground, and a shower rather than a river-washing. On "vacations," many soldiers come back with the classic comb over, walking around with broad shoulders so proud of their beautiful hair-do. Last, there is the lucky ones, the guys who make it to the Barber Shop on their "vacation," these soldiers just shave it all off so they do not have to deal with it at all. Last but not least, there are the total opposite of the vacation-fortunate soldiers would be the front line Dirt-Gellers. These guys just have no care of their hygiene and just want to look good in the face of danger. Dirt-Gellers use a combination of the dirt below their boots and their own sweat to form a makeshift paste. After lathering the past through their hands they move on to spiking their hair in a variety of shapes.
So Remember:
Good Bad Gross
Comb Over Hand-Scuffle Dirt-Gel
Mr. Clean baldness Helmet-Hair
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