Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Watch out for Firepower

A soldiers best friend is his weapon, Through the thick and the thin, they will always be there for the soldier to lean on. As dangerous as a situation may be, the soldier is given hope through their gun. I remember my first shooting at the gun range when I was just 19 years old. I took my semi-automatic rifle and aimed steadily at the target. Narrowing down the sight i slowly pulled the trigger. My hear pounded as I squeezed the trigger to initiate the sequence of sparking gunpowder to propel my bullets into the enemy. However, I did not realize that the force would cause the rifle to kick back at me. Forcing the gun straight into my aiming eye, causing me to bleed for hours. Unfortunately, my shooting was done for the day and I had a black eye for a week. Furthermore, this explains my hatred for semi-auto rifles. I prefer automatic pistols with less accuracy and a higher shooting rate. There are many of these automatic weapons. A soldier has to narrow their choices and choose the best gun that suits them. As for me it is the G36C. I love it, it is my life, it is my protection, it is my gun.

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