Sunday, February 28, 2010

Jarheads vs. Desk Jockeys

There is a secret grudge in the military, although they help us extremely, there is nothing worse than a desk jockey. As we punch through enemy lines and encroach into foreign lands with bullets blazing past our helmets sending goosebumps throughout the body with every hiss of a bullet; the desk jockeys are sitting at their cubicles reading the enemies movement and potential moves, or escorting pilots and troops through the tactical strategy of our superior officers. Usually, these desk jockeys are punching the keys of their keyboard with greasy fingers from their Burger King onion rings and french fries. As they eat their fast-food in the comfort of their computer screen shooting e-mails and chatting it up, my troop eats MRE's with explosions just miles away. It takes a smart man to be a desk jockey however, they have been a countless number of times where I have sent in for an air strike that has saved my life or a cargo drop that has provided me with ammo to protect myself. Personally, I'm the guy off of Zoolander the movie that thinks the files are "IN" the computer. Therefore, I have to respect the ability that my desk jockey foes protect me with.

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